Friday, 10 February 2012

What is technology for me ?

I think that technology is not just linked to computers and Internet and so on ! Technology is every kind of tools that can help human beings in their life. I mean it could be a computer now as it could be the discovery of the fire and its using during the Stone Age. Technology is a very practical concept. We use it every day, sometimes without being aware of it. A knife, a spoon, this is also technology !! Human beings are the ones who make the technology, they imagine it and create it. In the everyday's life, for almost every act we do, we need technology.
To sum up, I would say that even if technology is digital media, Internet, computers, television, etc, I think that each historical period has had and created its own technology. Today, it's more modern than 100 years ago, but when we are parents and married, our technology will maybe be considered as has been !

1 comment:

  1. I liked your last sentence :)
    :Today you're "high-tech" but beware young teenagers you might turn into "has been people" sooner than you think!
